lunes, 25 de junio de 2018

Who Am I?.

I am Marco A. González B. I'm 24 years old. I am from México. I studied in CECYT 7 "cuauhtémoc"  and I'm the famous volleyball player and this is my personal blog which you will find my personal information, my daily routine, my training

and maybe some curious information about me.

I have trained since I was in the school team when I was 10 years old before of that I had never listened some information of volleyball, I didn't know nothing about it and I started to train it because I had curiosity. I was walking around my school and that day was the recruitment for the school team and I thought "Why not?" I tried and the couch said me "do you want be in the team?" I accepted. 

I like playing every sports but I love playing Volleyball I know in the moment I dared training volleyball.

In the beginning I trained and played volleyball in my free times but bit by bit I start to train more frequently when I was 16 years old the volleyball was the most important ocupation in my life I only wanted to play and play but I was lonely.

I decided organizacing my time and I have trained 2 hours and 30 minutes daily since I was 17 years old I wake up at 5 o´clock and cook my breakfast with a milk shake for start a fabuluos day

I have been in different teams depending of the contracts is the time that I am in the team, my favorite match is when I was playing the final match in the olimpics games I was representing to Mexico with a fantastic team and we won the gold medal, It's a fantastic sensation but It is the result of team work and hard training.

I hope all of you like it and coment what do you think? and ask me whatever you want to know about me, I will continue writing more about me answering you facts.